What Do You Need to Know About Knee Pain?

knee pain

What is Knee Pain?


Pain around the knee joint may be due to an injury or degenerative changes. Knee pain is the most common joint pain and affects all age groups.


Causes of Knee Pain


  • Being overweight – The knee joint supports the whole body weight. If you are obese there is continuous pressure over the knees, even while performing normal activities like walking, standing, or climbing stairs. It increases the risk of osteoarthritis.

  • Hip–foot pain – In hip or foot pain, one may change the way of walking to overcome the pain, which causes and indirect pressure over the knees.

  • Knee injuries – A knee injury can cause inflammation of the bursa (fluid-filled sac surrounding the ligaments, tendons and bones forming the joint), fractures, ligament tears or meniscal tears.

  • Degenerative changes – Osteoarthritis is basically wear and tear of the joint. The cartilage layer depletes with age and overuse.

  • Autoimmune disorders – rheumatoid arthritis, where the body’s immune system attacks the lining of bones leading to inflammation and pain of the joints.


Symptoms of Joint Pain may Include


  • Pain

  • Swelling and redness

  • Warmth felt at the joint

  • Weakness or inability to move the joint

  • Crackling noise while movement


If the pain varies from mild to moderate here are some tips that will help to reduce knee pain.


Reduce Weight: Weight loss is one of the best ways to reduce the stress over the knees. Try to achieve

Exercise: It helps in strengthening the muscles that support the knee joint. It helps to reduce the stiffness and maintain the flexibility of joints.

Heat Compression: Heat always helps to reduce the inflammation and pain around the joint. A heating pad, hot water bag, hot towel or warm oil application is useful. One should always check the temperature before application to avoid burns or scalds.

Ice Packs: One may feel good with ice pack application

Footwear: Providing proper to support the arch of the foot, will downgrade the knee pain.


Easy Ayurvedic Lepa at Home 


Mix shunthi (dry ginger powder) 1 tsp. + haldi (turmeric powder) 1 tsp. + cow’s ghee 2 tsp. – Heat them together and make a thick paste.

sunti and haldi

Apply the paste warm. Wipe out lepa once dried. You can apply it 3 to 4 times a week.


Easy Exercise to Strengthen the Muscles


Exercise should always be done if there is mild stiffness or the doctor has recommended it. Severe stiffness of the joint may worsen the condition. Always do a 5-10 mins stretching before you start with exercise.


Straight Leg Raise – Lie down on the floor over your back. Keep your left knee folded Raise your right leg straight up to strengthen the thigh muscles.

Heel Raise – take a chair or a table for support. Stand straight and raise your heels and stand up on your toes. Hold up for 5 -10 sec and slowly come back to the normal position.

Step Exercise – One can take a solid stool or exercise platform, not taller than 7 inches. Step on the stool with the right foot, followed by the left foot. The left foot should be in air, by putting the weight on the right foot. Hold for 5 sec and change the foot.

Wall Squats – Stand with head, back and hips flat against the wall. Slowly bend your knees just above the sitting position, hold for 5 sec and back up. Don’t bend too much, perform the exercise slowly and smoothly.

Touching Toes – Stand straight and then slowly lean downwards and try to touch your toes with your hands straight. Hold for 5 sec and then back up again. Do not bend your knees.


Even after exercise and external remedies, bones and cartilage of the joints may require internal nutritional support. Medicinal herbs like harida and shallaki guggul are herbal supplements for knee pain and have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti–arthritic properties which help in degenerative changes of the cartilage. Glucosamine hcl acts as a tissue regenerator and chondroitin reduces the progression of joint damage.

GO365 nutra tablet

GO365 TABLET is an herbal supplement for knee pain from Vedistry is a combination of all these important drugs along with Calcium carbonate, and vitamins C and E which maintain the overall health of joints. Go365 ointment infused with capsicum and wintergreen oil is the best ayurvedic ointment to reduce joint pain and stiffness.