The skin on lips is much thinner than the skin on the other parts of our body which makes them easier to crack and chap. Lips have very few sweat & oil glands affecting their ability to generate oils for lip skin protection. During winter cold, dry air dehydrates lip skin causing cracking & chapping. Hence Lips need special care in winter. Here are certain tips to protect lips during winter.
1. Exfoliate Regularly
Remove dry, dead skin flakes by gently brushing your lips with a wet, soft toothbrush or washcloth. Wet a napkin or a toothbrush and gently rub lips with it in gentle movements. This removes dead skin and the dry outer layer of the lips, while also improving blood circulation. Scrubbing is important for healthy and soft lips. Use any mild scrub or make lip scrub at home with rock sugar.
2. Keep Lips Hydrated
Staying hydrated is the most important thing when it comes to healthy and soft lips. Unlike the rest of the skin, lips tend to dry out and become chapped easily since they do not contain oil glands. Drink lots of water to keep lips from drying out. The air around tends to dry out lips while in sleep. Hence use a hydrating lip cream, petroleum jelly, cream, raw milk or ghee (clarified butter) before sleep.
3. Moisturise Regularly
Lips receive a lot of sun exposure, particularly the bottom lip. So it’s important that daytime lip product includes an SPF 15 or higher sunscreen. Use moha: aloe vera gel to soothe and hydrate dry lips. Use nourishing oils like almond oil, olive oil, etc. to massage lips for about 5 minutes every day to keep lips soft and healthy.
This improves the blood circulation in the lips and gives nutrients that are needed. Have a good creamy and hydrating lip balm like moha:herbal lip balm while traveling.
4. Do not Touch or Lick Lips:
Lips do not have any protection of their own, which means that each time you touch them or lick them, they are getting directly affected. Never lick lips. It might feel good for the moment and also feel hydrating for the lips. But once the saliva evaporates, it will leave the lips even drier. The enzymes in the saliva are simply too harsh on delicate lips. Use a damp cotton ball and wipe your lips clean.
5. Prime & protect Lips
Before applying lipstick, lightly brush lips with almond oil or honey. Wait for a few minutes and then apply lipstick. Since, the lips have no natural protection, wearing lipstick will help you add a layer to them. Using lipsticks protects lips from the sun, dry air, dirt and other outside factors. Using lip balm acts as a protective layer, keeping the lips moisturised and prevents them from drying out.
The vedistry: Herbal Lip Balm, from the house of Charak Pharma, well known Ayurveda care brand is excellent for lip care as it is enriched with almond oil, wheat germ oil, honey and more. It nourishes and softens the lips thereby preventing dryness, chapping & cracking.